Here, we share with you straight from our hearts our personal encounters and experiences, views and perspectives on life and beyond, and how they have transformed after meeting Paramahamsa Nithyananda! It is an opportunity to say Thank You to our Master for the most beautiful journey that we have embarked on - the journey within! - Ma and Sri Nithya Arpanananda
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Flow with Change; Flow with Life
I want to start this second innings of the blog with an interesting experience I had when I visited Singapore last month. I was speaking to a friend of mine who was saying, "I do not like too many changes in my life."
When he spoke that statement, a beautiful revelation happened in me. Whenever I visited Singapore, I used to think, how come everything seems to be the same. The same people, the way they are talking is the same, the things they are doing are the same, the way they behave is the same... everything seems exactly the same. I noticed this "sameness" over a matter of 6 months when I visited Singapore thrice.
I kept asking myself, "how can everything remain the same. Whenever I come, I see the same thing?"
Now the interesting thing is, I lived in this very sameness for ten years before my sabbatical to India in November 2009. But never once, during those ten years, I felt that sameness as haunting as it was during my three visits in a span of six months.
"Why?" was my next question and the answer presented itself as a beautiful click.
The simple reason is the last one year of my stay in Paramahamsa Nithyananda's ashram in Bidadi is so eventful that everything else outside seems very static and pale. Every day, every hour, every moment, we are faced with change. The degree of change is very very high and the rate of change is equally high and we have become completely tuned to adapting to that change every moment.
Paramahamsa Nithyananda talks about chaos in order and order in chaos. This universe for example is complete chaos; yet there is a beautiful order in it. The atomic structure is complete chaos but there is an order also in it.
And that is what I had become used to - change that happens every moment. I could adapt to that change. But when I was in Singapore, I could not see that change. It looked to monotonous to me. It looked pale. Change is colorful and dyanamic and who does not like colors and dyanamism.
Life is colorful because it is dynamic and unpredictable. Being aware and flowing with this dyanamism is the only way to bring an order in that chaos and unpredictability. This is one of the most powerful teaching of Paramahamsa Nithyananda - just unclutch and flow with life. That is enough to keep oneself enjoying every moment of life, be it happiness or be it sorrow.
Watch the following on unclutching from Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Breaking all limits: Nothing to fear; Nothing to lose
As each day unfolds, revealing many magical moments filled with ananda, I recall some words of my Master, in the light of some recent experiences in our lives. Swamiji has said many times - live the life of "Asaadhya Saadhana" - achieving the unachievable or living the impossible! This inspired me a lot because this means, being daring to dream in a grand way, and living those dreams. Even dreaming needs courage because we are so conditioned and so used to putting limitations in the way we think or operate, that it is reflected even when we envision our future. It is within the fence of our courtyard that we dare to walk around in.
And our decisions are all within the barriers of the fence. We just miss experiencing the amazing energy that is so vast and compassionate, urging us to break all limits. The vast energy is infinite and opens us to those infinite possibilities, only if we allow it to.
After meeting Swamiji, every decision, whether big or small is constantly revealing to us the infinite energy that is within us and around us. There exists no barriers, because all barriers are created by the mind and mind is our creation! So why fear? Let us walk the path unwalked. Let us think for ourselves and live life to the fullest.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Sharing by a fellow devotee - Anniversary celebrations at Ohio
Tomorrow, Wednesday April 14, Ohio will be celebrating the third anniversary of the inauguration of the first Nithyananda Vedic Temple in the USA! Our thanks to Swamiji and Existence for this beautiful place of peace and divine energy. There are so many aspects of this Temple that make it truly live up to its name: Nithya Ananda, Eternal Bliss.
To begin, the Temple physically came to fruition only nine months after Swamiji declared that there would be a Shiva Temple in Columbus and handed over the symbolic towel. Swamiji says that when he declares something, or says it in words, it has already happened. This is evident in how quickly the Temple came about. Once the property was established, Swamiji decided that the Ohio Temple would be the home of the 7 foot tall, 6 tons Anandeshwara and Anandeshwari, the faces of which Swamiji himself carved.
The Temple is in a beautiful natural setting with two rivers flowing on its property: the State protected Olentangy River and a creek flowing into it. Paramahamasa Nithyananda declared the confluence of these two waterways the Prayag of the West. During the Kumbh Mela of April 15, 2007, Swamiji said that the confluence of these two water streams was similar to the Prayag in India and the direction of the flow was matched by that of the sacred rivers; Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati.
What memories we have of that two-week period with Swamiji and all the people and other beings that came to help and support the beautiful outpouring of existential energy on planet earth. For many of us, it was the first time we witnessed or participated in rituals of energizing a Temple or Moorthis. That it was performed by Swamiji, an Enlightened Master, in a small town in the US, is almost beyond comprehension. Anandeswara and Anandeswari had arrived in January, and with us were waiting for Swamiji to come to bless and anchor divine energy into them through the Prana Pratishta.
The Kumbhabhishekum, an offering to energize the Temple, is a huge service to humanity as it raises the positivity of the surrounding area, making the pure energy of Divine Existence available to all. The compassion of our enlightened master was evident in the Kumbh Mela, as Swamiji made sure to make eye contact with each passing motorist or person watching.
Swamiji told us that to give each person the possibility of one glimpse of him…for that glimpse to register and become their “Mastercard”, could allow them liberation. This Temple, the deities, the teachings, the music, the land, the Vedic tradition, has been our home, our life, our blood, our bread and butter for the past three years, given to us by Swamiji, energized by Swamiji, all an outpouring of energy known as Nithyananda.
Nithya means eternal. This land and energy will continue to exist. In the current events of uncertainty and wavering faith, the energy gifted and established here in Ohio by Swamiji will never waver. Our small minds may waver, our egos may get bruised, fear and greed may take hold, but Anandeshwara will stand strong in His intelligence. Swamiji once pointed out that even though a palace and a temple built by the same architect, with the same materials, was built at the same time, the palace crumbled and succumbed to the elements while the Temple remained standing. This is because the temple and moorthis were energized, keeping the temple intact. Happy Anniversary to the Ohio Nithyananda Vedic Temple. Happy Anniversary to Swamiji.
To all Beings: Let us hear your support! Let us feel your support! Show us your support. Continue to radiate Living Enlightenement.
For a beautiful understanding of how these moorthis and rituals can help us, see the following discourse by Swamiji on Karma and Rituals: A deeper Understanding.
In Nithyananda’s Grace
Ma Nithyananda Bodhanaa
Saturday, March 6, 2010
My gratitude to my master
And with that as the base, I support my Master in these difficult times when he has been framed in such a conspiracy. The deep life solutions that I learnt and experienced during the first level meditation program (LBP1), the deeper truths about death that we consciously experiencec in second level Life bliss program, the power of devotion that we experience in third level program, the strong meditative experience that happens during Healers' Initiation ... these experiences are enough for me to be with him when he is being attacked by people who haven't even seen him once.
I guess this is the time we need to stand up for the transformations that we have had being with the Master. Every Guru Poornima, every Jayanthi, we came to express our gratitude for transformation. Now it is even more important to cut this negativity out with our positive transformation.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Everything is bliss - nithyananda, I found
Everywhere I see around
Beauty is all that I can find
In silence, I hear a beautiful sound
In blissful stillness, rests my mind.
Hitting the rocks and banks a thousand times
The river just flows on and on.
With same peace, same energy and peace
It just flows on and on and on.
From far east, comes the cool breeze
Hugging the branches, cajoling the leaves,
It kisses everything that comes its way.
Whatever comes its way, it just breezes away.
At a distance, I see the banyan tree
Chirping birds and dancing squirrels,
Sleepy owls, in one corner, I see.
A home of many, in harmony.
Their very nature is to flow, I see
In that flow, is bliss and peace.
Untouched by anything that happens around
Everything is bliss, is what I found.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Inner Transformation: Biggest Service to Mankind
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Time to Timelessness, Place to Space
Let me pen down by thoughts.
Time and again, enlightened masters have said, "You are enlightened". But we hold on to time and place as being permanent. We want to hold on to time and place. We always are either in past or future. There is a reason for it. Because present is the always changing, always impermanent, our ego knows that it can't hold the present. That is precisely why we are never in the present moment, we are scared of staying in the present moment.
Similarly holding on to place, the world outside that we perceive as solid reality, deludes us from the space that we are actually a part of. We are part of the whole cosmic space. The whole cosmic space is within us. But we are busy grabbing places for us; putting our nameplates on as many places as we can.
Holding on to these two is pulling us, already spiritual beings, into humanly emotions like greed and fear. Being entangled in these emotions arising from our clutching on to place and time, we miss the vast, ever pervading timelessness and space that we are actually made up of, from which we originally came.
The all-pervading timelessness and space are constantly inviting us to connect back to them. They even come down to planet earth and take birth as human beings so that we can relate to them easily. These human beings (a.k.a enlightened masters or avatar) constantly remind us of the that timelessness and space. They are here only to pull us out of the clutches of time and place.
The only thing that we have to do is: be open and allow them.