Here, we share with you straight from our hearts our personal encounters and experiences, views and perspectives on life and beyond, and how they have transformed after meeting Paramahamsa Nithyananda! It is an opportunity to say Thank You to our Master for the most beautiful journey that we have embarked on - the journey within! - Ma and Sri Nithya Arpanananda
Saturday, March 6, 2010
My gratitude to my master
And with that as the base, I support my Master in these difficult times when he has been framed in such a conspiracy. The deep life solutions that I learnt and experienced during the first level meditation program (LBP1), the deeper truths about death that we consciously experiencec in second level Life bliss program, the power of devotion that we experience in third level program, the strong meditative experience that happens during Healers' Initiation ... these experiences are enough for me to be with him when he is being attacked by people who haven't even seen him once.
I guess this is the time we need to stand up for the transformations that we have had being with the Master. Every Guru Poornima, every Jayanthi, we came to express our gratitude for transformation. Now it is even more important to cut this negativity out with our positive transformation.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Everything is bliss - nithyananda, I found
Everywhere I see around
Beauty is all that I can find
In silence, I hear a beautiful sound
In blissful stillness, rests my mind.
Hitting the rocks and banks a thousand times
The river just flows on and on.
With same peace, same energy and peace
It just flows on and on and on.
From far east, comes the cool breeze
Hugging the branches, cajoling the leaves,
It kisses everything that comes its way.
Whatever comes its way, it just breezes away.
At a distance, I see the banyan tree
Chirping birds and dancing squirrels,
Sleepy owls, in one corner, I see.
A home of many, in harmony.
Their very nature is to flow, I see
In that flow, is bliss and peace.
Untouched by anything that happens around
Everything is bliss, is what I found.