I do not know what the name of this siddhi is, but the manifestation of this is something that happens to me atleast a half a dozen times in a day by HIS grace - and this has been the case ever since Swamiji happened in my life 10 years ago.
Basically, if a thought happens inside, then it beautifully expresses as an action or event outside. Swamiji once explained this as an alignment of "iccha-shakti" (the energy of desire) and "kriya-shakti" (the energy of action), wherein the gap between the thought ripple inside (to do something or want something) and the actual doing or happening is removed.
Here is just a small example from something that happened just now. Background: I need to be attending a week long workshop next week at Univ. of Californa, Davis. Last night, I was discussing with Sri Arpana about whether I should be commuting daily by taxi (from Sunnyvale to Davis - which is about 2 hours of drive), or whether I should stay in a hotel at Davis for the week. We decided that I should drive daily and I had communicated this arrangement to my post-doctoral advisor, who decided to cover me for the daily commute.
But this morning, Sri Arpana was saying that it would be good to also get a hotel room so I will have the option of staying back in Davis on some days, depending on when we get done each day.
And just when I was wondering whether it is appropriate for me to ask for a hotel room when I am already getting covered for the daily commute, I get an email from our project collaborator in Sweden saying she has an extra hotel room and asked if she should reserve it for me incase I needed it. And before even I knew it, she had reserved that room for me.
The point is not about the hotel room - it's about the constant assurance that the Cosmic Mother is listening and responding sooo beautifully. Only we don't see it with our colored eyes - colored with all the layers of conditionings, biases and opinions. That's why you need a third eye, and a Master who can awaken it. Thank You beloved Swamiji.
(There have been many, many, many more solid examples of this in my life and I will document those in future blog posts).
- Ma Nithya Arpanananda
- Ma Nithya Arpanananda